Well, after two months of craziness, I'm back!! It has been a very interesting couple of months. May was disastrous....computers crashing, husband out of town, multiple cases of strep throat, pancake breakfast planning, ear infections...shall I continue??? Those of you who know me well, know what I am referring to and I thank you all for keeping me sane during that difficult time...lol.
June was somewhat better, just monumentally busy with the end of the school year, assuming the role of IWA Co-Chair, newsletter deadlines, working temporarily at the CLO office, etc. It was a whirlwind of a month and I am so glad it is over! It reminded me how much I love the CLO position, but also of how much I really don't need to work right now. I do enjoy being home with the kids and doing both is extremely challenging.
July started out hectic with the awesome responsibility of pulling off our annual Independence Day Picnic in cooperation with the American Chamber of Commerce. It was a ton of exhausting work, but by all accounts, everyone thoroughly enjoyed the day! I am quite proud of our event and want to thank everyone who contributed to the spectacular success! A little over 24 hours later, (at 3am..ugh..)we were on our way for some much needed R&R in the States. We had a very relaxing and enjoyable month full of family and friends, zoo visits(photo above is from the Pittsburgh Zoo), amusement parks, and outrageous amounts of shopping. It was just what the doctor ordered. Now, if only we could figure out how to teleport ourselves back and forth and avoid the nearly 24 hour trip, it would have been perfect. Have I mentioned lately how much I DETEST airlines and their so called "customer service agents"??? I will spare you the details now, as I am trying to get past that unpleasantness and move on to happier thoughts!
I am hoping to be much more active on this blog in the coming weeks, as the kids are heading back to school soon (doing goofy dance now, thank goodness you can't see...lol) and life will return to normal. So...check back soon! Cheers!
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